Don't Be Bob was an award-winning marketing initiative targeting uninsured twenty-somethings.
I first did the character design for Bob based on numerous talks with the client. From there, I created seven flash banner ads, static 'Bob Mishap' graphics and an accompanying Web site for the campaign.
The campaign had a signifigant impact in getting uninsured 20-somethings to sign up for insurance, seeing a 600% increase in new customer growth.
The "Dont Be Bob" campaign went on to be a Webby Award, People's Voice Winner, Insurance Category (2008)
I first did the character design for Bob based on numerous talks with the client. From there, I created seven flash banner ads, static 'Bob Mishap' graphics and an accompanying Web site for the campaign.
The campaign had a signifigant impact in getting uninsured 20-somethings to sign up for insurance, seeing a 600% increase in new customer growth.
The "Dont Be Bob" campaign went on to be a Webby Award, People's Voice Winner, Insurance Category (2008)
(Sadly the Don't Be Bob website and Bob have left the webosphere)